As of: 02/13/2025
Stop ID# |
Stop name |
Direction of travel |
Location |
Special notes |
5918 | 2300 S Halsted | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | Overnight Owl periods only |
5812 | 2300 S Halsted | Southbound | Westside of the Street | Overnight Owl periods only |
326 | 327 W Roosevelt | Westbound | Northside of the Street | Overnight Owl periods only |
313 | 327 W Roosevelt | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | Temporarily out of service |
15683 | 35th/Archer Orange Line Station | Northeastbound | Bus Terminal | |
14136 | 35th/Archer Orange Line Station | Southwestbound | Bus Terminal | |
4452 | Archer & 23rd Place | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4436 | Archer & 33rd Place | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17306 | Archer & 33rd Street | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4483 | Archer & 34th Street | Southwestbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4435 | Archer & 34th Street | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4485 | Archer & 35th Street/Hoyne | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4433 | Archer & 35th Street/Hoyne | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4430 | Archer & 37th Street | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4492 | Archer & 39th Place | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4426 | Archer & 39th Place | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4503 | Archer & 47th Street | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4415 | Archer & 47th Street | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4506 | Archer & 49th Street/Avers | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
15856 | Archer & 49th Street/Avers | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4476 | Archer & Arch | Southwestbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4442 | Archer & Arch | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4479 | Archer & Ashland | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4439 | Archer & Ashland | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17575 | Archer & Austin | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4389 | Archer & Austin | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4474 | Archer & Bonfield | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4444 | Archer & Bonfield | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4425 | Archer & Brighton | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4493 | Archer & Brighton | Southwestbound | Westside of the Street | |
4494 | Archer & California | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4424 | Archer & California | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4490 | Archer & Campbell/38th Street | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4428 | Archer & Campbell/38th Street | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4465 | Archer & Canal | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4453 | Archer & Canal | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4524 | Archer & Central | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4393 | Archer & Central | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4464 | Archer & Cermak/Princeton | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4454 | Archer & Cermak/Princeton | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4515 | Archer & Cicero | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4385 | Archer & Cicero | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4402 | Archer & Cicero | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4484 | Archer & Damen | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4434 | Archer & Damen | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4461 | Archer & Dearborn | Southwestbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4457 | Archer & Dearborn | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4495 | Archer & Francisco | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4423 | Archer & Francisco | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4448 | Archer & Green | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4466 | Archer & Grove | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4505 | Archer & Hamlin | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4413 | Archer & Hamlin | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4418 | Archer & Homan | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
17109 | Archer & Homan | Southwestbound | Westside of the Street | |
4498 | Archer & Kedzie | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
18287 | Archer & Kedzie | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4509 | Archer & Keeler | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4408 | Archer & Keeler | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4512 | Archer & Kilbourn | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
17879 | Archer & Kilbourn | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4510 | Archer & Kildare | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
17880 | Archer & Kildare | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4514 | Archer & Kilpatrick | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4403 | Archer & Kilpatrick | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17507 | Archer & Knox | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
17506 | Archer & Kolmar | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4511 | Archer & Kostner | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4406 | Archer & Kostner | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4516 | Archer & Lamon | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4401 | Archer & Lamon | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
4520 | Archer & Laramie | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4397 | Archer & Laramie | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4400 | Archer & Lavergne | Northeastbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4517 | Archer & Lavergne | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4504 | Archer & Lawndale | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4414 | Archer & Lawndale | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4519 | Archer & Leclaire | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4398 | Archer & Leclaire | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
17573 | Archer & Linder | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4394 | Archer & Linder | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
18236 | Archer & Lock | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4441 | Archer & Lock | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4521 | Archer & Lockwood | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4396 | Archer & Lockwood | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4522 | Archer & Long | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4395 | Archer & Long | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4475 | Archer & Loomis/Fuller | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4443 | Archer & Loomis/Fuller | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4468 | Archer & Lowe | Southwestbound | Northside of the Street | |
4450 | Archer & Lowe | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4525 | Archer & Major | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4392 | Archer & Major | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
17574 | Archer & Mayfield | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4390 | Archer & Mayfield | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
4529 | Archer & Meade | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
17577 | Archer & Meade | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
15454 | Archer & Melvina | Northeastbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4530 | Archer & Melvina | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4526 | Archer & Menard | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
18226 | Archer & Menard | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4531 | Archer & Merrimac | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4386 | Archer & Merrimac | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17576 | Archer & Mulligan | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
15388 | Archer & Mulligan | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4536 | Archer & Nashville | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4383 | Archer & Nashville | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4535 | Archer & Natchez | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4384 | Archer & Natchez | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4377 | Archer & Neva Terminal | Southbound | Bus Terminal | |
4539 | Archer & New England | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
15507 | Archer & New England | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
15118 | Archer & Normal | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4537 | Archer & Normandy | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4382 | Archer & Normandy | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4541 | Archer & Nottingham | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4378 | Archer & Nottingham | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4538 | Archer & Oak Park | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4381 | Archer & Oak Park | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4487 | Archer & Oakley | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4431 | Archer & Oakley | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
4480 | Archer & Paulina | Southwestbound | Northside of the Street | |
4438 | Archer & Paulina | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4491 | Archer & Pershing/Rockwell | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
7804 | Archer & Pershing/Rockwell | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4478 | Archer & Pitney Court | Southwestbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4440 | Archer & Pitney Court | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
15030 | Archer & Pope John Paul II/43rd St | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
15029 | Archer & Pope John Paul II/43rd St | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4472 | Archer & Poplar | Southwestbound | Eastside of the Street | |
4446 | Archer & Poplar | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4507 | Archer & Pulaski | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4411 | Archer & Pulaski | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
17443 | Archer & Red Line Station | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
4496 | Archer & Sacramento | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4422 | Archer & Sacramento | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4540 | Archer & Sayre | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4379 | Archer & Sayre | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4471 | Archer & Senour | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4447 | Archer & Senour | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4499 | Archer & Spaulding | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4419 | Archer & Spaulding | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
18288 | Archer & St. Louis | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4417 | Archer & St. Louis | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14504 | Archer & Throop | Southwestbound | Northwest Corner | |
4445 | Archer & Throop | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4451 | Archer & Wallace | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4467 | Archer & Wallace | Southwestbound | Westside of the Street | |
4463 | Archer & Wentworth | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4489 | Archer & Western Avenue | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4429 | Archer & Western Avenue | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4481 | Archer & Wood | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
4437 | Archer & Wood | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10392 | Cicero & 53rd Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
10355 | Cicero & 53rd Street | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
18185 | Cicero & 55th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
10635 | Cicero & 55th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
4606 | Cicero & Archer | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
4607 | Cicero & Archer | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
1880 | Dearborn & Adams | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
1876 | Dearborn & Harrison | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
1877 | Dearborn & Ida B Wells Drive | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
14508 | Dearborn & Jackson | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
1882 | Dearborn & Madison | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
1887 | Dearborn & Marina City | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
1881 | Dearborn & Monroe | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
1875 | Dearborn & Polk | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
1884 | Dearborn & Randolph | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
1885 | Dearborn & Wacker/Lake | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
5804 | Halsted & 14th Place | Southbound | Northwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
5926 | Halsted & 14th Place | Northbound | Southeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
5924 | Halsted & 16th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
5806 | Halsted & 16th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
4615 | Halsted & 18th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
17904 | Halsted & 18th Street | Southbound | Westside of the Street | Overnight Owl periods only |
18571 | Halsted & Cermak | Northbound | Northeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
15354 | Halsted & Cermak | Southbound | Southwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
5921 | Halsted & Cullerton | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | Overnight Owl periods only |
5809 | Halsted & Cullerton | Southbound | Northwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
5802 | Halsted & Maxwell | Southbound | Northwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
5928 | Halsted & Maxwell | Northbound | Southeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
17366 | Halsted & Roosevelt | Southbound | Southwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
14137 | Halsted Orange Line Station | Westbound | Bus Terminal | |
3339 | Karlov & Archer | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
4508 | Karlov & Archer | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
4508 | Karlov & Archer | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
4486 | Leavitt & 35th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
15761 | Midway Orange Line Station | Southwestbound | Bus Terminal | Overnight Owl periods only |
4666 | Narragansett & 55th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | High School Trips |
4665 | Narragansett & 56th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | High School Trips |
4410 | Pulaski Orange Line Station | Eastbound | Bus Terminal | |
15684 | Pulaski Orange Line Station | Eastbound | Bus Terminal | |
327 | Roosevelt & Canal | Westbound | Northeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
312 | Roosevelt & Canal | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
15377 | Roosevelt & Clark | Westbound | Northwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
315 | Roosevelt & Clark | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
17517 | Roosevelt & Delano | Westbound | Northwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
17516 | Roosevelt & Delano | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | Overnight Owl periods only |
14459 | Roosevelt & Halsted | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
18174 | Roosevelt & Jefferson | Westbound | Northwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
310 | Roosevelt & Jefferson | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | Overnight Owl periods only |
2354 | State & 11th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
15563 | State & 11th Street | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
2352 | State & 13th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
2377 | State & 13th Street | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
2350 | State & 14th Place | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
2378 | State & 14th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
2351 | State & 14th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
2379 | State & 15th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
2349 | State & 16th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
15357 | State & 16th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14761 | State & 18th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
2382 | State & 18th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
2355 | State & 9th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
17592 | State & 9th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
1431 | State & Harrison/Ida B Wells Drive | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
1429 | State & Jackson | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
1423 | State & Lake | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
2370 | State & Marina City | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
1427 | State & Monroe | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
17590 | State & Polk | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
2353 | State & Roosevelt | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
2376 | State & Roosevelt | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
1430 | State & Van Buren | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
1425 | State & Washington | Southbound | Northwest Corner |